Monday, February 9, 2009

Coming Soon To A Weblog Near You: Another Movie Review

Having my worldview of movie criticism obliterated by the article in my last post, I have felt a need to reviewing movies again (not sure exactly when, but soon). Why? That is something that I am struggling with internally. I have been muddled in indecision this whole interim, but what I need to realize is this: I can wallow in indecision without action or I can wallow in indecision with aimless action. Since aimless action is better than no action at all, I shall press forward in hopes that my actions have some meaning, whatever that may be.

"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind.
I have to believe that my actions still have meaning.
Even if I can't remember them.
I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still here.
Do I believe the world's still here?
Is it still out there?
We all need memories to remind ourselves who we are.
I'm no different.
Now, where was I?"

--Leonard Shelby, last words of "Memento" (2001)

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